I think my ear infection is coming back, AGAIN! I have never had any problems with my ears before now but for the past two months or so i keep getting swollen ear drumbs, blocked ears and very very painful ears. I will be going off to Boots at lunch time to see if i can find my own cure for my ears as the doctors have tried me on 3 different things and obviously none of them are doing the job.
I managed to get some scrapping done this weekend all be it a lot less than i was hoping to get done. I managed two layouts, began another altered item for christmas and also another page for my mini album. The layout that i did below is called Never Forget - and yes that photo is of a younger me......lol. How cute am I!
I combined three challenges into one layout so was pretty impressed with myself. There was a lot of journaling on this layout so i have included it at the bottom of the layout.

Dearest little me,
Here you are, only three or four years old and I have so much that I want to tell
you. Growing up is scary and has also been rather difficult at times, but I am hoping
to remind you of a few things and to give you something to look at whenever you are in
need of a little encouragement, a little wisdom or a little tender loving care.
First off let me start by saying that you have such a wonderful future ahead of
you. You are going to see things that no one else your age has seen. You are going to
grow in leaps and bounds and you are going to have a great time doing it. You have
always been a dreamer. Make sure you never lose sight of that dream that you hold so
close to your heart. When people say that what you want will never happen, that it is
too "out of reach", just remember that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you and who
is capable of making everyone of your dreams come true. Don’t let go of them and
don't give them up for anyone!
You have always been a little hard on yourself. You expect the best from yourself
and also from those around you. Even though this part of who you are helps you to
achieve so much and is such a big part of who you are, sometimes, when things get
tough, just remember to be a little less harsh on yourself than you normally are.
Remember that you don’t always have to be perfect.
Now, this one is such a huge one for you. People Pleasing! It's integrated into
your personality and has been confirmed by how you have been raised. As tough as it
might be, and this is one thing that I am still working on, you don’t always have to do
what everyone expects you to do, you don’t always have to live up to what everyone
thinks you should be. Find out what it is in life that YOU want and go for it! Start
learning now how to stand up for yourself, to not be a doormat for everyone and anyone
to walk all over. I know you can do it! You are special and deserve to be treated with
respect and consideration.
Love....during your teen years you are going to feel so awkward in your skin.
Your going to wonder if anyone is every going to love you and you are going to wonder
if you will ever get married and have children. Let me just tell you. One day you
will meet this young man who sweeps you off your feet. He will be charming and funny
but demanding and totally opposite to you. He is not your first love but he is many of
your firsts in other areas. Stand on your own two feet, look out for yourself but
remember to take care of him.
There is so much more to say, so much more I would like to tell you but I think I
have probably overloaded you with too much already. If you take nothing away from you
in this letter just remember the following....1. Your family are most important, never
forget that.....2. Never give up on your dreams, no matter what comes your way.....3.Dont
forget to make some time for yourself when you get older, you matter and you need to
put yourself first everyone once in a while.....4. God has a wonderful plan for you and
right now as I am writing this letter I know that that plan is still now finished...
..5.NEVER forget that you are special, special to yourself, to your family and most of
all special to your Heavenly Father and finally 6. Enjoy your life, no matter what comes
your way make sure that you enjoy the little things that show up in our every day
lives....there is so much beauty and joy to be found in those simple things.
All my love,
Your older and wiser self.
The first challenge was this weeks UKS challenge. Use 5 different colours - check, use something sparkly - check, hide something - check, do something royal - missed this one and tear some paper - check!
Second challenge was Journalers Junction challenge 10. Write a letter to someone, anyone. Put your emotions in writting.
And finally the third challenge was for the Colour Blog challenge 8. Scrap with a colour that makes you VERY uncomfortable. Well that orange definately did it for me, along with the bright pink ribbon and the completely floral patterend paper....lol.
I love the end result though.
Ok, so i know it is a little late in the season to be saying this but i finally managed to take my first real autumn photo. This was taken out of my bedroom window looking down towards the trees in the cul-de-sac. I loved the contrast of the colours of the leaves with the fresh blue sky.

I have loads more photos to show you and a ton more scraping pictures but i need to get ready for work. Another week having to work with this horrible woman.....argh!
Anyway, have a great day everyone!