Well today i am feeling better than i have been for the past few days. Yesterday evening i got myself an appointment at the doctors who informed that i have spasmed back muscles that could take up to 6 weeks to totally heal! He sent me home with some anti-inflammatory tablets, some strict instructions for hot baths and back massages and of course some back exercises to try to stretch and strengthen my muscles.
Taken tablets - check
Had hot bath - check
Got back massage - check
Back exercises - hmmmmm......ok, so they really really hurt at the moment. I know, i know...i do have to do them but OMG do they hurt!
me and has gotten me some very nice
pressies these past two days. Day five Santa got me some Maybelline nail polish and on day six Santa got me a Create - A - Calendar. I have so many ideas running through my head for this calendar. Thanks Santa, i cant wait to see what i have tomorrow.

I am very pleased to say that at least eighty percent of my Christmas shopping is now done! We still have to get a few more pressies here and there but for the most part it is all bought and some of them.....ok two of them....are wrapped! Bought some Christmas cards yesterday - i know i know - *gasp* buying cards when I'm a scrapper! I'm just running out of time - that's the bottom line. I still have my grans album to finish and there is so much more i want to do.
Well, i am off for my second hot bath for the day (doctors orders) so i will catch up with you all tomorrow.
Have a good evening
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