Oh my this weekend has just flown by! You know how you get those weekends where you look back Monday morning and think, No way....did these past two days actually happen??
Yup, this is how my weekend went. Even though it was so busy it was still a great weekend!
Saturday morning i got to go shopping in town. I have not been to town in at least 6 weeks if not a little longer so this was a real treat for me. I decided to get there early, 9:20am on a Saturday morning is early for me. I caught a bus, enjoyed the trip into town and got off the bus ready to do some much deserved shopping.
I only had one errand to do so off i went to the bank first to get that sorted. I had only expected to be in town for about two hours or so but i ended up being there until 2pm! Aha, that's four and a half hours babe. This is some of what i came home with.....
A new necklace and hair band from Claires And i also got these new PJ's from Yours. A girl needs a comfy pair of PJ's!
On the sewing front, while doing my shopping in town i decided to stop in at WHSmiths to see what sewing magazines were available. This is what i picked up....
I haven't had time to actually sit down and look through these mags, let alone actually read them but i am hoping to find some time tonight. I am so nervous to actually get started but cant wait for the challenge.
While walking through the market in town i found this stall that was selling fabric. Look, oh look what i walked away with. At first i was planning to use the brown for a pair of trousers and the floral for a skirt but when i looked at the two fabric together, i realised how nicely they go together. So i decided i was going to make a top with the floral instead of a skirt and that way i could have a new outfit. I found a fabric shop in town and bought two patterns. This one below and another one that i had to order as she did not have it in the shop. Here is the pattern that i am using for my top.
I plan to make the green one first.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday were spent at my parents new place. They moved in on Friday so Saturday and Sunday we went over to help them sort and clean and put up curtains. Here are some photos... The boys trying to shave the table down enough so that it would fit against the wall.
My mom working on the front window curtains.
And once again a picture of the boys. Halfway through Sunday we went off to Pizza Hut for lunch and then back again to carry on working. I am pleased to say that we left the house on Sunday night with it looking more like a house than a storage place...lol.
On yet another different note, take a look at my flower!! Wow, how cool is this. Its grown from a little thing to this beautiful flower. And finally, a little something to make you smile on this Monday morning. This is Stu sporting his new Big Ears that he got through the mail from Walkers for Comic Relief.
Sorry this has been such a long post. Have a good Monday everyone!
Totally cute jewerly and pjs. They look so comfy. I love those ears. Might have to think about getting me some.
love your new goodies!
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