So i know that i haven't been a very good blogger lately but life just seems to be getting in the way of some very good intentions. I had a few days off work last week, use them or lose them as they say, and even though i had this "extra" time on my hands i still feel as if i did not manage to catch up on anything.
While doing my quick blog surfing yesterday i cam across this quote on Francine's blog.
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."-Emerson
This really spoke to me - especially with how busy my days are and how most nights i go to bed feeling that i accomplished so little of my to do list. This quote just reminded me that i am only human and that as long as i go to bed each night knowing that i did the best that i could that day then that should be enough for me. I must not be so hard on myself. I should not expect the unattainable. Thank you Francine and thank you Emerson!
I did manage to get this layout created over my long weekend. It is for this competition that is running at the moment. I know that it is not going to be picked as the best and while i was putting it together i didn't think that i would like it, but now that it is completed i really do like it. Its personal and its me!
On the sewing front i have managed to do some work on my skirt. As you can see i pretty much had it finished on Sunday. The zip was in, all be it a little wonky and no where near the professional standard that i had expected from myself
The slit that i put in the skirt did turn out fantastically so at least i could feel good about that.
After trying the skirt on i found out that after all this the skirt was way to big. I don't know how this happened because i thought i had double checked and triple checked my measurements but obviously i am missing something along the way. So last night i sat down and unpicked the zip and the side seam. I cut away some of the fabric to make it a little smaller and redid the zip correctly (oh for the love of the Internet - you can find anything on here). I tried it on and it fits and looks oh so much better. This morning it went in the wash so tonight i will give it an iron and then take a photo of it. Skirt project complete - tick.
This photo below is of my shirt that i was making. Its complete and i wore it to work yesterday but i am not happy with it at all. It is just too big over the boob area and i think because of this it doesn't sit properly on me. I was thinking about unpicking the entire thing and re cutting but i am not sure i have the patience for that. My mom is going to have a look at it for me but if all else fails i might just bin it and try again.
I'm happy that this quote spoke to you. I am working on a favourite quote minibook and this one will be number one in there! I love your hands layout!!
hey i just found you by chance and have not seen this hands layout -!!!
I will pinch it and post it on my slider xx
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