Twelve plus hours since opening this parcel and i am still buzzing with excitement! Thank you Tara! My name was selected on Ali's blog and Tara very kindly sent me this signed photograph as you see below. This weekend i will be putting it up in my scrapbooking room. This is just too cool. Now that i have started to float back down to earth i wanted to share this project that i worked on middle of last week. I love how the colours go so well together and i love how the final project has ended up looking.
I am one of those people who has big dreams and once i have my mind set on doing something or having something i tend to do everything i possibly can and more to get what i want. Now i don't mean that in a materialistic way or in a way that would be hurtful or horrible to those around me, what i mean is that i tend to look at the positive side to things and i tend to believe that if you want something badly enough then there is always a way to work towards getting it. Nothing is impossible. Now, the problem comes in when i try and do this all on my own. I believe that God has a plan for my life and that everything happens in His timing so when i try and make it happen NOW when i want it i just end up getting frustrated, stressed and depressed. Not a good thing! So i made this box and this box i am using as a reminder. I have put my dreams and the things that i want for my life on an individual paper and put that inside the box. Now that it is in there, these things are in God's hands and it is up to Him to bring them to pass in my life.
The Bible verses on the tags are as follows and all have a special meaning to me:
Friday afternoon is here and before i know it I will be starting my weekend. I hope that everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to catching up with everyone on Monday.
How awesome is that art work and signed by Tara. Way too cool. Love your outlook and you are so right, nothing is impossible, especially in HIS hands.
Thanks for the inspiration!
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