Yesterday was definitely a day full of surprises for me. Its not everyday that i get such blessings given to me so it was very much appreciated.
Let me begin the story by letting you all know that Monday night Stuart went out with his Cousin for a boys night out and ended up winning some or other game and came home with about £140 in his back pocket (well at least is how much he is telling me he So Tuesday morning i wake up to find a £10 note rolled up and sitting in my key chain - "Just a little lunch money", he said. Then about 11 o clock i got a phone call to ask if there was anything in town i needed. I promptly replied with a few knitting supplies that i needed for my Summer Tunic. When i got home i found the following in a nice little pile. Some knitting pins, some knitting markers and two books - Stitch & Bitch and an accompanying design journal to go with it. His text message read - " What on earth is that book about - angry knitters or what??". I was laughing my ass off and this book is now fondly known as the Angry Knitters book.
Once i had made dinner and had a cup of tea i went upstairs to do some scrapping and look oh look what i found nicely perched on top of my keyboard. Am i the luckiest girl or what!! Thank you honey for making me feel oh so special.
In other news, after the hours and hours that i spent knitting my Summer Tunic last week i ended up having to FROG it last night. Yup, i had to pull every stitch out and start again. It was so disappointing but it had to be done. This is my second attempt and hopefully it will go a lot better! My progress so far.... I just want to leave you with this quote - It hit my inbox a few days ago and it has just been on my mind so thought i would share......
“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good,
which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.”-Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
Awesome. Now that is a GREAT day! Chocolate, yarn and spending money. Yippee!
Lynne, I lifted the Albert quote for my blog. Thank you Lynne!
Melissa S.
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