African - I was born and raised in South Africa. My heritage is South African. My roots are South African. I love Africa. I found this quilt here. I am hoping to make an African quilt at some point.Budgeting - I am trying to get my head around budgeting and have been doing this for 3 months now. I think that i have finally found a system that works and that we can stick to. Now i just have to get the spending to stop.
Cats - I love cats and always have. We currently have 3 and i wouldn't change them for the world.

Eagerly awaiting the arrival of my brother - My brother arrives in 9 days from South Africa. I haven't seen him in 4 years and i am looking forward to getting to know him again.
Finishing things - My dad has brought it to my attention that i tend to begin a lot more projects than what i actually finish. This is not true. I finish my projects......eventually. *I am working on this one now dad*
Georgiamudfudge - Just the thought of this word brings so many happy memories flooding back to me. Dairy Queen. The beach. Rayola. America. Good times.
Honesty - This is something that i am working on. I am learning to be more honest with those around me about how i feel. I am so concerned about other peoples feelings that often i tell them more what they want to hear rather than how i feel. I have started to realise that by doing this I am not being true to myself and that is no good.
Incredibly blessed - For all that i have.
Jelly and custard - Even at the ripe old age of 25 i still enjoy Jelly and Custard for pudding. Granted, now its sugar free jelly and low fat custard but hey, it still counts right?

Laughing a lot - I love spending time with my family and having them closer to me has made me very happier. My family are so funny and we always have such a good laugh when we get together.
Magnolia flowers - These are one of my very favourite flowers at the moment.

Orange - This colour seems to be growing on me more and more each day. I love the combination of orange and brown. It has such character!

Puppy dog - At the moment i am trying my hardest to persuade Stu that we are indeed in need of a cute little chocolate Labrador puppy. He keeps saying no but if i keep at it long enough i can get him to break!!
Quilting - I would like to start trying some quilting. I bought some fabric off of eBay last week and am just waiting for it to arrive. I love trying to new things.

Sewing - After many months of having my sewing machine sitting upstairs being unused, i have pulled it out and done some sewing. I am loving it! So much better than sewing clothes. I have just finished an apron and am about to start on a handbag.
Tigger pj's - My tigger pj's are falling apart. The seam is coming undone. It has several holes in it from who knows where but i just don't have the heart to throw it out.
Under the throw-over - I have a very special throw over that Jenny gave me for my birthday a few years ago. This sits on the back of our suite and whenever i am in relaxing knitting or reading a book i always have this draped over my legs. It reminds me of her.
Vegetables - I have always loved vegetables and to this day i still do!
Weight watchers - tonight i start at weight watchers. I am committed and i know that i am going to do it. Taking one day at a time.
Xtremely concious of my smelly feet - So today i am wearing some shoes that i have not worn in a very long i remember why i have not worn them. They are smelly!!
Yarn - This is my latest craze! I love stroking yarns and even better buying them and taking them home. I have made a promise to myself that i will not be buying any more yarn until i have used up all that i have at home.
Z z z z z z - I am definitely in need of some more sleep in my life. Don't ask me how or when but i just know that i need it.

1 comment:
Hi there!
I love your beautiful black kitty...we have 2...Suke and Shadow which are our babies...since our 3 children all decided to grow up!...In fact, my daughter April went to Benin, Africa for 4 months before moving to NYC.
LOVE your webpage.
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