I spent last night looking through some old stuff of mine. Stuff that has been put away for a while now. I love going through it - finding my diary from school days, reading old letters and cards from friends, looking at photos and remembering such good things. While looking through all of this i found some art that i have done over the years. This piece is on of my favourites - "Out at Sea". I cant say that it is especially good but i really like the feel of the piece. I used watercolour paints and did this piece about four years ago.

For quiet a while i have been interested in doing some freelance photography on weekends to help bring in a little extra money. With the wedding and my
Indefinite Leave to Remain coming up we could really do with the extra money. The thing is, is that i am not really sure how to start. I have the camera. I have a few different lenses. I know the basis of the camera and have done a few photo shoots with family members. I have tons of ideas in my head so i know that wont be a problem but i guess i am a little unsure of how to get my name out there. I have never photographed a wedding so
wouldn't have any photos to of weddings to show possible clients which is probably a big stumbling block. But i guess it is the age old thing.... To get a job you need experience but to get experience you need a job! If you can offer any ideas or tips i would really
appreciate them.
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I really like the watercolor painting - you are quite talented. It looks like you do alot of creative things.
I do various things for a living and all of them are on a freelance / self-employed basis. So if you're thinking about freelancing yourself the one bit of advice I can give you is "don't be shy". That means that when an opportunity comes up to offer your services to somebody, make sure you do it. Word of mouth is the best - and cheapest - form of advertising you will ever find. You also might want to do a few jobs for free first (just charge for the materials you use) so that you have some references. Good luck!
I think this is beautiful. I love the feel of it and the boat...it is amazing!
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