I have been thinking really hard about putting my art journal up on my blog. Some of the pages are very personal to me and others i don't mind sharing so much. So what i thought i would do if just share those that i want to.
Now before i show these two pages i want to just let you know that if you don't like them then you are totally within your right not to. Art is different for everyone and this is my art, for me, right now. I am having fun, expressing myself and challenging myself to try different things. To step outside of my normal box and to do things that i might have tried if i was the five year old me. Be true to who you are
For this page i used acrylic paint, rub ons, stickers, paper and collage techniques. I really had fun with this one as it was the first time in a long time that i had mixed my paints to make the exact colour that i was after in my head - loved it!
Good Bye This was the very first page that i did in my art journal. Again a very personal page but this one i don't mind sharing. I used acrylic paint, masking tape and my journal pen.
Tomorrow i am hoping to have some photos up of some of my knitting projects that i have going on at the moment. I seem to have 3 UFO's and at least another 2 projects that i am just itching to get on my needles...lol.
Have a good day today
Spectacular! Bravo for showing yr work and not caring if people like it. But really, especially with art journals, who has the right to judg? If you are handing in an assignment to a teacher who asked you to meet specific criteria, or getting paid at a job to make a brochure look a certain way, well fine, but people have grown way too bold and think they are entitled to criticize anyone who dares to show their art.
yay cant wait to see more!
Thanks for sharing your journal. I really need to start one myself. Afraid of paints though. LOL And I am wanting to paint on a canvas. We'll see. Keep up the great inspiring work!
I love the meaning behind your pages!!!
The entire point of art journals is that they are YOURS...and that they mean something to YOU! I think it looks great...and kudos to you for sharing. It's beautiful!
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