Words or actions, that is the choice we each face in many aspects of our lives each day. We talk about eating right, about exercising, about getting organized, about spending more time on those important things, about cleaning the car, about doing something nice for our loved ones. We talk about a lot of things. On January 1, we talk about our New Year's resolutions. By February 1, many are ancient history.
Actions vs simply talking has been sitting on my heart for a while now. Its something i think that we are all guilty of at some time or another but i had let it get to a point where all the talking that i had done and all the lack of actually carrying these things out had started to make me feel like a failure. I don't want to be one of those people who never do what they say. My word means something to me and i don't want to lose that.
A couple of weeks ago i came across this book that a friend of mine had recommended a while back. I found a copy on eBay and it arrived just in time for the Easter Break.
What a great book. It is easy to read, truthful, hard hitting and so relevant for where i am right now. I didn't want to write in my book so every page that has something meaningful for me i have bookmarked. So much good stuff! So much to think about and apply!
From the title of this book it probably isnt what you think it is about....but then again perhaps it is. This book is about living your life now, being in this moment of your life, about realising that more often than not there is more going on emotionally than what we think. There is so much more i can say about this book but for now i will leave it here.
This is a journey for me. I don't know if it is going to take months or years for me to feel like i am where i want to be in this area but i do know that this is something that i am working on and will have to work on daily. Loving myself, truly loving myself is something that i am learning to do. It sounds simple. It sounds like this is something that you should be doing automatically but its not - at least not for me.
Over the next few weeks and months i will be sharing more of my journey on my blog. The good times and the bad times. Things that i have learnt and things that i am battling to get a grip on. These are not just words - These are actions.
And what better way to experience and really feel my journey than to art it. This is my Best Me art journal. Many more pages to come, many more pages to share.

Good luck on your journey!!!
thanks for stopping by my blog! that book sounds interesting...i may have to scoop up a copy!
i need to come back and read you more.
i am lacking internet and its too much to take in right now!
i heart new blog friends :)
Hi Lynne, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. :) Your blog is so lovely! Great colors, and great quote...I'm going to post it on my blog, and of course, say you inspired me by it! thanks!
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