Sometimes i am just in total awe of today's technology and "normality's" for lack of a better word.
Take YouTube for example. Do you guys realise that you can pretty much get a video of just about anything and everything off of there? I decided that i wanted to have a go at cutting my own bangs so i was doing a search on Google to find out what type of bang would suit my face shape best.
The next thing i know there is this link to a YouTube video and it is a girl showing you how to cut your own bangs! How cool is that!!
So i had a look at a few more videos by different people and finally found one that i thought i would try.
I picked up my scissors and began to cut away - worst case scenario i would have to go to my friends daughter for some emergency hairdressing help.
I am so pleased with how it turned out and now i know that i can save myself a few quid when money is tight. Plus i also now know how to layer my own hair as well as create feathering down the front. Cool or what??

it took me AGES to cave and get into youtube.
and then I did.
and then I was smitten :)
just dropping by to say HELLO
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