Thursday, November 20, 2008
[ A lovely little gift for me ]
Monday, November 17, 2008
Chattsworth House - Dad's Birthday

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
[ So whats going on? ]
Life is finally getting back to normal for me. It has taken a few weeks but life is returning to normality, my routines are starting to settle down again and I am beginning to feel more settled….Life is good again!
My heating and hot water is back up and running as of Monday evening. I can confirm that the heating is ace and the water seems to be alright. Now I say seems because I have not yet had a chance to have a hot bubble bath to test it out ( In case it sounds like I haven’t bathed in weeks I do have an electric shower…..hehe)
I have been at my new temping job for a week and a half now and I am enjoying it. I am starting to feel at ease with the systems and the responsibilities and most of all I love that it is so close to home. 3 miles to be exact. Most of my life now seems to be within 5 miles of home. Work, the gym, my parents, my best friend and my grocery shop. Absolutely fantab-la-roo!
Last night I went to the gym after not going for about two weeks. I had a great class but could definitely tell that I had not been in a while. My legs ache today but I am being a real trooper and have booked myself in for tonight’s Combatt class anyway!
It was my Dad’s birthday on Saturday so we spent a lovely family day at Chatsworth castle. This photo was taken there with my brother and I think it is a really nice photo. Its not often that you take photos of yourself that you just love! I have so many nice photos from Saturday that I think I am going to have to do a separate post for that.
Creating wise I am currently working on one canvas so nothing much there to show you guys but I did find the time to make myself a new jewellery holder for my room. For the past two months my jewellery has been sitting in a bowl in my underwear draw and I thought it was time that I put them out there for all to see. My jewellery that is and not my underwear…hehe.I also had my first date on Sunday. Movies and dinner with a very nice guy. Not sure how things will progress but I know that he is very keen and has already called and asked me out again....