Last night i got home after work and i was really having trouble deciding what to make for dinner. I knew that i felt like a home cooked meal and i knew that i needed something that was different. So out came my recipe books and the hunt began. After ten minutes of searching i decided i would attempt Chili Con Carne. I have never eaten it before let alone cook it, but i am very please to say that it came out deliciously. There was enough of it for two meals so half has been stuck away in the freezer for one night next week!
It seems like the cooking and baking bug really hit me yesterday. After dinner was done i decided that i would now have to make some Chocolate Chip cookies. As i am joining weightwatchers on Wednesday night i decided i had better only do half a batch. So eight large chocolate chip cookies later i was watching "What woman want" happily munching away on one of the cookies. They too turned out delicious! Yay, for me. Sunday night Stuart decided that it was time for a change. He was playing with the idea to either shave off all his hair and leave his beard, or just shave off his beard or just shave it all. Well, were we in stitches! He started off with just the side and middle of his beard leaving the funny bits down either side of his mouth. Once we had stopped laughing and i had taken a few photos he then went on to shave everything off! Yup - he is now a skinhead. Thank goodness it grows back quickly because boy does he look
These are some of the photos that i took while we were goofing around and these two are my favourite. What do ya think?

Well, i hope that everyone has a great tuesday. God Bless and see you back here tomorrow!
Mmm.. Chili sounds good.. that was actually on my list of recipes to find. I've never really made it.. well good ones.. so if you don't mind.. if you got it online can you guide me to where yougot yours.. but if it's on a recipe book.. don't worry.. I will find one!!
Yum cookies!!
I think we all have this new years resolution of losing weight.. I have yet to get on an excercise machine!! LOL!
Have a great day.. and that is a great cut on his beard!! Ha ha!
LOVE LOVE this song..!!
MMMM those cookies look good! Love the pictures too! What a good capture!
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