I received this this morning in my email from on of my friends and thought it was very fitting for a Wednesday....
A Toast to us woman!
For the men who have us,
The losers who had us,
The Goofs that wished they had us,
And the lucky people who will meet us!!
Now for an update on last night. First let me start off by saying "Yay to me!". I did not chicken out, i did not change my mind and i said every word that i had been practising for the last few days. (yes, i did say practising - that's what i do when i have an important topic to discuss...lol). So after all the stressing, our conversation lasted only about half an hour. There was no disagreeing, no arguing, no blame shifting - it was a very adult conversation *Another pat on the back*We will see what comes of it but i must admit i was pleasantly surprised!
Do you remember a little while back i did my "I must confess" album for Shimelles class, well one of my pages was that i must confess that i do not have a green thumb! On any normal day that statement could not be any closer to the truth. But just lately, that may be starting to change. The first one is the plant below. I bought it from Asda beginning of January. I was hoping that it would flower and then be a nice plant to have in our lounge. When i got it home, i watered it and stuck it in the windowsill. Every Saturday morning the first thing i do before i make a cup of tea in the morning is put 250ml water onto it. On Sunday i decided to take it out of the kitchen and put it in the windowsill in the lounge. This morning i opened my curtains to this.....
I know it sounds a little dramatic but this beautiful little thing took my breath away! I am hoping that in a few weeks it will begin to flower - boy will I be shouting from the rooftops then...lol!
Now this is my other pride and joy at the moment. My mom and dad got me these two bulbs for Christmas. You put them in these little vases with water, stick them in a dark cool corner and 8 weeks later they are supposed to flower. It has now been about 6 weeks. This one is growing so well but the second bulb, i managed to kill. As it was not growing roots as quickly as its friend, i decided i should splash it with a little water to help it on its way. Well, not only did that not work but i also managed to help it grow mold all over itself. I tried to scrap all the mold off to give it a fighting chance to keep living but i think it is well and truly dead.
Just last night i noticed that it is starting to open and beginning to flower. I will keep you all updated on my little plants progress.After our big conversation last night i managed to get some scrapping done. I have half completed my layout but hope to get it finished and photographed tonight.
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