Things have been a little heavy for me lately and i am feeling the need for some light hearted, worry free fun. So today i thought i would share with you some things that are lifting my spirit and keeping me smiling.
Last night when i got home i had received these two magazines in the post. I ordered them about a week ago and they finally arrived. I made myself a cup of tea and sat down to look through them. I am so glad that i bought these - I have heard so many good things and so when i found them here in the UK i grabbed them while i could. You will definitely be seeing me sporting some new knitted outfits soon.
OK, so i know that the next thing i am going to share with you is well.....weird. Especially for me to be putting on my blog but you know what? Right now this little tube is bringing me much happiness! After my experience at the Warwick Castle with my tooth breaking on some VERY hard crackling, i have been really worried about my teeth. So i decided i needed to do all that i can possibly do to give my teeth the best care that i can. I went straight out and bought some of this toothpaste and also some Calcium tablets as i don't drink enough milk or eat enough yogurts.
Boy do i just LOVE brushing my teeth now. They feel so clean, so smooth and so well looked after. At £3 odd for a tube it is well worth the money.
Today i spent some time blog surfing while i should have actually been working. *Don't shake your heads at me - you know you do this* and while i was reading Vic's blog i jumped on over to Amy Butler's website. Wow, she is so inspiring and her fabric is just gorgeous! She has so inspired me try some quilting with her fantastic fabric!!
Then last night i did some work on my mini album, see post below. This is the little kit that i have sort of put together for the album. I am pretty happy with it sitting there on my desk but how i am actually going to get it to work within the album is a different story. One step at a time i guess. I also took some time to do the front cover of the album, as well as the spine and the back cover. This was a first for me and although i was very nervous about trying it i thought that if i did happen to mess it up then i could just cover it with paper so no real harm would be done. Anyway, i did it and i love it. You cant see a great picture of it at the moment but i will post a better photo later along with the technique that i tried. And lastly but definitely not leastly.....tonight is another episode of Greys Anatomy!!!! I have the TV booked, the remote hidden and some ice-cream stashed away for this special occasion.
Well, that is it from me. Make sure you come back tomorrow for a great review of one of the books i have just finished reading. It will definitely give you something to think about.
Take care,
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