You spend five days looking forward to the weekend. To having two days where you can get your house in order, where you can have some time to scrapbook and create and where you can spend some even better time with family and friends. And then its gone!! What?? Where did that go? That was my weekend.
Saturday was so nice. I went into town. Did five loads of laundry - how do two people create so much laundry? Worked on my mini-book. Frogged my knitting. Visited my parents. Took some photos and baked some cupcakes.
Sunday afternoon we had a visit from this little guy. Stuart came across him in the garden while he was cutting the lawn. There i was running around after him trying to get a photo while constantly making sure that he was jumping away from me and NOT towards While working on my mini-book i took some photos from around the house. This one is one that i particularly like. I bought the vase and flower from Wilkinson's and it just fits fantastically. I might use this spot to photograph my future layouts - we will see.
Today's post is short and sweet but i just want to leave you with this which i found a while back on some bodies blog. Unfortunately i cant remember who's but i will share it anyway.
Ten Thoughts on Whole Living
1. Your home is more than the sum of its walls. Make it a sacred space.
2. Creativity is a lifestyle, not simply an activity. Let is expand you.
3. True forgiveness springs from love, not regret.
4. Learn something new. Emphasize the trying, not the succeeding.
5. Spend some time in the dirt. You'll be amazed at what nature can inspire.
6. You don't have to have a perfect body to feel great in it.
7. Define yourself by who you are, not the roles you play.
8. Find rejuvenation in five minutes of silence.
9. Contribute to abundance. If you no longer need something, pass it on.
10. Find direction in your life by looking where you want to go, not where you don't.
Great reminder of how I want to live!
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