I love leap year! To get an extra day is such a great thing. I know that a lot of people (especially those in my office today) are moaning that they have to come to work and work for free today but i am glad for the extra day. Its a day extra that we can live that doesn't make us any older, its a day extra that i have for studying and revision before my exams, its a day extra that i have to create or spend with my family.
I say wohoo for Leap Years!
Every night before turning off my light i always try to give myself some time to read. Normally i like to have about half hour or so but lately it has sometimes been only 10 minutes. I am OK with that for now. Here are some of the books on my nightstand. "Will the real me please stand up" is a book that i have read before but it is well worth a second read, and possibly even a third and a fourth.

This weekend is Mothers Day here in the UK. I have my mom and dad coming round on Sunday for a nice roast dinner and cant wait to give my mom her mothers day gift. I try to let her know as often as possible just how much i love her and how much she means to me but i love having a day that is set aside especially for this. So, provided that i manage to cook the meal in my gas oven without burning it, it should be a good day for all.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I have been wanting to make something like that myself. I bought the stuff to do it but have yet to do it. Now I think I will make time to do it. I need some me time!
I LOVE Joyce Meyer!!! Her book Me and my big mouth is awesome! LOL
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