“To succeed, we must first believe that we can.”
-Michael Korda
This weekend i decided to try my hand at something a little different to what i usually do. If you have taken a look at Kal's blog lately you will see the amazing art that she creates and also the tips that she shares with us. When i was younger i used to draw - that was my creative outlet before watercolour painting and before scrapbooking - so when i saw her technique i just knew that this was something that i wanted to try.
Here is the layout that i did along with some closer detail for you...

Study wise I have now been doing my course for 3 weeks and to be honest i am battling with it. Not so much the content of the work at the moment but more the actual studying and concentration of it. I am so not a morning person so getting up early and actually getting my brain to absorb anything useful is a no no. This leaves me with the evenings. After an eight hour work day and cooking dinner and cleaning the house. Then i try to study. I manage an hour every night but realistically i need to be doing about two hours a night. I have to get through 198 pages and i have 10 days to do it. Any suggestions or tips would be much appreciated.
Over here in the UK, as many of my friends in the states have also had, we have had more rain than sunshine this summer. Yesterday i received an email from my friend with the latest fashion trends if this rain is to carry on the way it is......
On Friday i got tagged by Rhonda so i will leave you with this.......
7 Random Facts about me that you may or may not know *in no particular order*
* I have a very special place in my heart for elderly. Not just the elderly people in my life but those who i see in town and at the grocery store. I always feel as if i need to offer them some form of help or see if they need anything. I worry about them because you don't know if they have family or if they are all alone in this world.
* I eat mayonnaise on everything.....but only extra light Helmanns Mayonnaise.
* I always have a hundred different projects on the go at once. I love starting new projects and only eventually get around to finishing them.* I eat mayonnaise on everything.....but only extra light Helmanns Mayonnaise.
* The inner me is a true dancer. If i could dance my way from place to place i would do. Music moves me and touches my soul like nothing else.
* I cant eat any sort of fish that comes with eyes or tails on it eg. prawns, crabs, crayfish. I love salmon and cod but if its got its head on then it puts me off my food.
* I love the outdoors and the being at the ocean.
* I have lived in three different continents in the last 6 years and all on my own.
If you are still here after such a long post then thank you. Hope that you have a fantastic day.
Beautiful layout! All the eye candy... just delish!
Gorgeous layout!
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