So tell me. What would you do if you loved your job but hated the people you work with? This is not just some personality clash. This is a woman who is at an age who should behave in a much better matter, this is someone who is nasty, selfish and childish. This is a woman who thinks that it is alright to make a huge scene at a work due in front of everyone for no reason at all. To make things worse this woman is now best buddies with my boss and so gets away with everything and anything. My boss always takes her side no matter what. I love my job, the money is good, its close to home but this woman and my it worth staying when i have to put up with her every day?
In happier news i just want to wish my lovely the best of luck for his LGV theory test today.
Go get em babe!
Look what arrived yesterday in the post. Wreck this journal by Keri Smith. It is so amazing and i can not wait to get started on it. I decided that before i started smearing dirt and punching holes in it i had better take a photo of it in its clean and new state. Also, what good is this journal if i don't have any pencil crayons? So, i just had to go out and pick up some water colour pencils! Rhonda has tagged me so make sure you come back on Monday for my update on tag!
Have a good weekend everyone.
oh gosh....i don't know what to say about the heart says, life is too short to be around miserable people.....but then, should you really have to leave a job you love because two ladies who are nasty??? hard one....for sure!!!
And wow, what a help I have been !!! LOL!!
Go have fun in your awesome new journal and forget about it all for a bit!
that book looks like fun!! i've been wanting that too. love the watercolor pencils :)
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