Monday, August 04, 2008

[ The Joys of Food Journals ]

I have never been a fan of writing down what I eat but for the past few weeks I have been making myself do it. It has been one of my weekly/monthly goals so I have been making sure that it is being done.

Last night I realised just how important they are and that all my hard work with them had really paid off. Those of you who have been visiting my blog for a while know how much I have been battling with losing anything on a consistent basis so last night I sat down with my food journal and just had a look through it.

I realised something! Yes, I may be staying within my WW points most days but the food that I have been giving my body still hasn’t been very good food. Don’t get me wrong, there have been some good changes – like now I eat breakfast most days and I have been eating more salad and veg and less bread and rice but what I can see as an ongoing pattern is that I still “spend” a lot of my daily points on rubbish. I just somehow manage to work that rubbish into my food plan.

In one day I have been able to have a mini chocolate roll, a low fat chocolate ice cream, a sour cream dip to go with my carrots, a bag of low fat crisps and even still a small bag of peanuts! And this is on top of my cereal, lunch, dinner and yogurt snack. I understand that I may have a lot more points than smaller people due to my weight but still, I am sure that I should be filling those points with foods that are a lot more nutritious for my body.

During this week I came across this post by Scale Junkie and it really hit home when I realised what exactly I have been putting into my body …. Even if it is classed as low fat!

So today is the start of truly eating healthier, of paying attention to what I put into my body and to try something a little different.


Anonymous said...

happy new day!
I hear you on the choices that mightcould be better at times ;) just remember that it is ok, some days, to spend on treats to keep your sanity.

this is all about what we can do for life!

xo xo,

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Fwiw, I think it's better for the long term to kind of ease into changing how we eat. Getting it under control is a good first step and then tweaking the nutritional content is a nice follow-up. It's all part of the process, and your process is going GREAT!

Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean about food choices. I am not on WW, but I am attempting to count my calories. The way I see it, the calories are my currency. I am a bargain shopper, I love getting alot for my money, same goes for food. I want to choose the food that will benefit me the most and fuel my body & workouts. So even though I may have enough room (in your case points) for that cookie, I choose the {insert healthy alternative}. I'll get alot more for my *money* that way!

Good job on journaling! That has always been my downfall! I really gotta give it another try. =)


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