Tuesday, April 08, 2008

[ Green Gable ]

This is Gable and she is only three quarters of the way finished.
I thought i would have had enough yarn to finish her but i am 1 ball short so i will have to put her aside for now until i can manage to order some more from the states.

She was only begun about 4 weeks. For some of you that would be ages ago - for me that is pretty quick. I am so pleased with how my knitting skills are improving. The overall look is so much better and i hardly even had to frog it...and those of you who know me know that i am the frogging queen....lol

So soon i will get to start a new knitting project. I have a few in mind but most importantly i will make sure i have enough yarn to finish said project

At the moment i have my head stuck in a book - My sister's Keeper to be more precise. Loving it and i am only a few chapters in.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

It looks great!! I wore mine the other day!


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