Monday, September 18, 2006


Tuesday's Quote:

"We make time for the things we want to do and we make excuses
for the things we don't want to do." — Royalmrs

Todays quote really hit home for me. I have always battled with my weight but just lately it has been a bigger battle than normal. Im not sure why things have changed so much but they have and i have been trying to talk myself into doing something about for a very long time now. Saturday night something inside of me Oprah says, i think i had a Aha Moment. I forced myself to start doing weight watchers at home a week ago but my heart wasnt in it and i was doing it because i felt ashamed and knew i should be doing it to lose some weight instead of doing it for me, because i wanted to. Then, Saturday night, i sat down with my Joyce Meyers Magazine from last month to catch up on some reading. Her articles were for me, right were i was in my life. It was as though we were the only two people in the room and she was saying all that stuff just to me, just for my benefit. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before but i fell the difference deep down in my soul, deep down inside of me. Something has changed. While looking for the quote above i also came across this quote below which i really feel falls nicely into todays blog.

"Change means movement. Movement means friction."
Saul Alinsky

Even though i feel the way i do today and probably tomorrow and probably the day after there will come a day when things get difficult, where i dont feel like carrying on, where all i want to do is give up but the quote above will remind me change does not just happen easily, and if you want it then you need to be willing to go through those transition periods where things are difficult.

Wow, i truely believe in what i have writen but i didnt mean to get so deep, sorry ya'll. Anyway, as you may or may not remember, i am making a special album for my grans 80th birthday which is in January. A few weeks ago i finshed the first page in it and last night i sat and complete page number two. Going from 12 x 12 down to 8 x 6 was very scary at first but i am loving the freedom that it gives me. I still have several more pages to finish and i also need to alter the outside but right now i am just working one page at a time.

Our next door neighbour moved in to our close earlier this year. He is such a great guy and we soon became friends. During the course of his move we found out that he has a very unusual hobby, or at least it is unusual to me although i'm sure he thinks the same thing about my He races Pigeons! Good old pigeons. Apparantly, some of his pigeons are worth £1000 each!! FOR A PIGEON!! Anyway, as he has moved he now has to teach his pigeons where the new house is so ever so often he lets them all go and they fly off and then a little later they all come back. I cam home last night to find loads of pigeons sitting on my roof! they were waiting to be called in apparantly - and while i raced inside to get my camera, Jim blew his whistle thing and they all took off from my room and started circling the area getting lower and lower until they were able to fly straight into their little bird pens. I got some fab pictures so thought i would share them with you.

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