Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Birthday Chit Chat

I had such a great birthday yesterday. The day really did fly by and before i knew it i was climbing into bed. Twenty Six! Who would have thought.

So here are some highlights of my day:

* Having a lay-in
* Hearing from a very dear friend whom i have only recently gotten in touch with after about 8 years. Thanks Melissa.
* Getting so many cute cards

* Shopping in Nottingham
* Visiting HobbyCraft
* Being just a little naughty and having a real full fat chocolate fudge brownie milkshake
* Finding this shop that sells both American foods and South African foods - Yum Yum
* Stumbling across a little market while walking around
* Having my family come round for a visit
* Spending all day with Stu
* Not having to do ANY housework
* Having a braai with some real South African Boreworse
* Getting loads of fantastic gifts
Thank you for such a great day everyone.

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