Thursday, October 12, 2006

Change - one of life's little lessons

Change is hard. Even change for the better takes some getting used to, and a change that we feel is not so good . . . well, it can inspire a whole host of negative feelings and attitudes.

The problem is, in order to grow, we have to change. And as much as we might like to stay put, God loves us too much to let us stagnate. So things are going to change whether we like it or not ― we don’t get a choice about that. What we do get to choose is how we respond to change.

We can choose to become angry, bitter, and defeated . . . but why would you want to do that? Disappointment is a part of life, but that’s no reason to wallow in it. Feel it, acknowledge it, pray about it . . . and keep moving. Change happens.

It’s a good thing, really. Think what it would be like if the kids never outgrew diapers, the news wasn’t, and we had to eat the exact same thing three times a day. (The Israelites tried that last one when they were in the wilderness and the results weren’t pretty. See Numbers 11 for the story.)

So, difficult though it may be, let’s determine to face change with a positive attitude, a flexible spirit, and confidence in the One who never changes. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

This is what arrived in my inbox last night when i got home from work. It is part of a monthly newsletter from I love getting their newsletters as they alwasy have such fantastic articles. This article really caught my attention or should i rather say...I really heard the Lord speaking to me.

God has been speaking to me for a few months now about some particular thing in my life that i need to change. But me being me and being human i have been putting it off, finding any excuse as to why i dont really need to do it. Today it felt like God was sitting me down over a cup of tea and having a real good heart to heart. Sorry Lord for not paying attention and thank you for not giving up on me!

1 comment:

Mrs. Joseph aka SackJo22 said...

I came upon your blog during my random sojourn through the "next blog" button and wanted to let you know that I visited. Your scrapbook pages are fantastic.


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