Monday, October 23, 2006


This weekend turned out to be a great weekend. I got to spend loads of time doing what i love to do - scrapping - and i also got to spend loads of time with my parents, visiting and just chillin out. I know i have said this a hundred times already but i love having them in the same country as me, never mind in the same city!

I have spent hours on this layout below. I started this layout for a compeition on about a week and half ago but for some or other reason it just has not been coming together for me. Finally, saturday morning, i managed to get it all finished, photographed and submitted, phew and just in the nik of time.

The competition was to do a layout about friendship. Friendship in any sense of the word, not just the obvious. Anyway, i took the obvious approach and did this layout on my best friend Jen, from south africa. We have been friends for so many years - i cant belive it! I used so many different products that if you would like a list just email me and i will send one your

I have also been working on another very exciting project. So far i am about 7 pages into it and am hoping to get it finished, or as finished as it will get for now, by tonight or tomorrow at the latest. So make sure you pop back to take a look!

Stu was supposed to go to a job this morning and so had to wake up at 3:50AM! Yup, that was 3:50AM! Me, being the good fiance, got up to make him a fresh flask of tea and some sandwhiches. Once he left i did manage to get back to bed for a little while although i did not get to do much actual sleeping. So, on second thoughts i might just end up going to bed early tonight.....

As much as i love scrapping, i seem to have restarted my love for cooking and baking. Many moons ago i used to love trying new things and making healthy lovely meals but over time and probably for other reasons that enjoyment dwindled and i found cooking more of a chore than a pleasure. Well, not any more! A few weeks ago i made "Spooky Shephards Pie" which i think started me off again. This weekend i tried a Coffee and vanilla swirl cake using a weight watchers recipe. It turned out way better than what i was expecting it to...even my dad enjoyed 3 slices of it (although he doesnt know that it was low fat and he doesnt know i used cream cheese for the!!

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