Friday, March 09, 2007

Circle Journal

So i don't know if it is just down to my ears still playing up but yesterday and today i have been feeling like crap! My body aches, my ears hurt, I'm constantly cold - my poor body must be working overtime trying to keep itself healthy.

In other news - I got my first circle journal back about a week and a half ago. It is lovely and i am so pleased how it has turned out. Thank you to all the ladies who took part and put their time and effort into my journal. The theme of our team was Love/Hate. Below are the pictures of my circle journal.

I have been waiting very patiently for Robin McGraw's book to come out here in the UK, Inside my Heart, and I see that it now has. I still have a voucher from Christmas for Waterstones so I want to pop by and pick this book up. It looks awesome and so fits in with my word for the year - CHOICES. A definite must have for me!

I have a question for you do you manage your finances in your household. Do you have two accounts, one account, a personal account and then a bills account? I'm looking to revamp our finances situation and was wondering whats working for you. If you don't want to answer on here feel free to email me.

Off to do the work that seems to be mounting higher and higher on my desk and then i am off to start the weekend! Have a good one everyone.


Unknown said...

Lynne that CJ looks fab. I can`t wait for our team ones ro start doing the rounds.
Seeing yours has given me some deas as to what can be done in them. :o)
Sorry you`re still not feeling so good.

Anonymous said...

Love the CJ!
As far as advice from this girl. I can't stop spending more. *sigh*


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