Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hurry up weekend!!

I was talking to my mom last night and we only have 2 more sleeps until we go to the Hobby Crafts show at the NEC. I am so excited i am jumping up and down - well, only jumping on the inside for now as i am sitting at my desk at work. In true child like enthusiasm i want to get there as early as possible and see everything right

Holiday mode is definately starting to kick in as i dont feel like doing anything - work wise. Most of my stuff is up to date so im just taking it easy. Roll on Friday afternoon!

If you have some time and you want to see some fantastic drawing take a look at Karla's blog. All i can say is WOW girl!

I placed and order with Amazon a few days ago and i got an email to say that the order had been processed. I thought nothing of it until my books did not arrive. Each day i was expecting the postman and each day he never showed. So i had another look at my order. My books arent comming until April 16th at the earliest!! Apparantly, one of the books is making its way over from America which is why it caused the delay - although, in my opinion, it doesnt take 4 weeks for a order to come from the states but anyway.

I also just want to give a shout out for yesterdays post! Wohoo - Yesterdays post was my 100th post. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who stops buy and to all the new friends that i have made.


Karla Dudley said...

OMG!!! Girl thanks for the shot out honey! That's mad sweet!

Say...I hope you guys have fun at the hobby show! Tell us all about it when you get back.

Shoot I haven't kept track of my posts but that's cool you hitthe 100 mark~! Keep it goin'! 200 is sure to come! '

Chat soon and thanks for stoppin' by!


Adrienne said...

YAY! Congrats on 100 posts!!!


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