Wednesday, March 07, 2007


So I'm going through a bit of a rough time at the moment. A lot of emotional stuff is going on and unfortunately it is affecting my creative flow. I haven't felt like doing anything except watch TV, bath and go to bed. I have a layout half done, a new circle journal to do, a shirt to finish, a trousers to make, swaps to do and i don't have the energy to do any of it.

Isn't it strange how things are brought into your life when you need them. Yesterday, i was reading one of Joyce Meyers books and her statement hit me straight in the middle of the eyes.
Do i want to be pitiful or powerful? I want to be powerful! So, i am lifting my chin up high and walking through the next couple of days like this - even though this is not how i feel on the inside.

This morning i opened up my email from Oprah and this was her quote for the day.
"Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."
—Nora Ephron

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