Monday, March 05, 2007

Shall I Laugh or Cry?

Last night i suddenly realised that i have not updated my blog for days and days - definitely not like me. Then i began to run through what i had been up this past week and it hit me. Sewing is what happened to my week!

Let me share with you what i have learnt this week from my sewing adventure (and this is in no particular order):
1. This is not something that you can simply do for half an hour and then stop - It pulls you in and makes you feel like you want to finish the entire thing even though it fully knows that it will take you at least another week to finish it!
2. Just because someone else finds something easy does not mean that I will - When i went to go buy my fabric and my pattern, the woman who sold me the patterns told me that they were easy. If this is what easy is then i have NO hope of getting this shirt finished. Don't even think about showing me a difficult pattern, lol, i can see myself running a mile!
3. It takes all night just to figure out which pattern pieces you need and in which size.
4. Fabric has a grain - Can someone please tell me when this happened? Was i off sick the day our home economics teacher taught us this lesson? I had to Google it to find out just what it meant and how to find it!
5. Follow the pattern - So before i started cutting out my fabric i decided that in order to give myself a little extra material i would cut about a cm away from the paper pattern all the way round the pattern. My shirt is now too big and looks like a tent! Arggg
6. When you start to sew, expect to miss at least three things - "What three things did I miss"? you ask. Well first i completely missed one of the pattern pieces that i needed for my shirt. I didn't even cut it out of the fabric! Secondly, i completely missed a step in the "Easy instructions" that was provided and thirdly i completely missed that fact that this patter calls for a zipper!! Since when?? lol
7. You can always unpick - LOL - if it was up to me i would have just left the colour the way it was, but with my mom their she insisted that i unpick it and do it Mom's!
8. Practise makes perfect - I had to re thread my machine that many times that i can now do this blind folded! Wohoo to me.
9. Sewing has a whole new lingo of its own - Yup, that's right. It has its own lingo with its own secret words and secret meanings and i feel like i am sitting on the outside of this secret circle looking in.

As I didn't have a zip, I tried to fix it and alter it myself. 10:30pm last night this is how i left my shirt - feeling very disappointed with it and myself.

I still have the hem and sleeves to do but am thinking about leaving the shirt for now and perhaps starting the EASY trouser pattern that arrived in the post on Saturday.
On the scraping front i managed to complete another cj and also started a new layout. Here is a sneak peak as it is not finished yet.
I have a new circle journal to make for our UKS team cj and i also want to get some layouts submitted to a mag tonight.
Have a good day everyone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is looking great!!! I can't wait to see the layout!


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