Friday, May 04, 2007

Two Fold

Today i have two purposes for my blog....1. I want to tell you about something that has been on my mind and which i hope that some of you might be interested in helping with and 2. I want to share about a challenge that i am taking part in. Life is just so busy at the moment and i have so much to share with you all, so many thoughts to put down in black and white but for now this is what i want to share.

1. Knitting for Feed the Children - As some of you may or may not know i recently took up knitting. I bought my first lot of wool, found a free pattern on the Internet and within a few weeks i had knitting my first item. I was so excited and so proud of myself. A few weeks later i was sorting through my hobby room and came across the left overs of my wool and while looking at it i realised that i would not have enough to knit a jumper for myself or for Stuart and i don't have any children so i decided to do something for someone else with it. I hoped on the Internet and found the website above and am now halfway through knitting a sweater for a little child in Africa or one of the other countries who are in similar situations.

My question to you is this. Do you have balls of wool sitting around your house that you know you more than likely will never use? Or perhaps you have wool that you bought once upon a time but now your tastes have changed and you no longer like it? Would you just like to take part in something out of the normal and give something to those who have less than you have? Well, i have a pattern for a simple child's sweater and if you would like to take part and knit one then please let me know and i will email it on to you. If you would like to donate some of your wool but don't feel like you have got the time to actually knit a sweater then feel free to forward the wool to me and i will knit the sweater for you. Once i have finished i will email you a photo of the sweater and forward this it on to the details at the website. This is just a small way that i feel that i can reach out and help someone else and i wanted to share this with you.
Email address:

2. I have decided to take part in Stacy's spring challenge. I only came across this this morning but it falls right in line with what i have been thinking and feeling for the past few days.
This is the challenge that i have accepted ( she lists 20 different things that you can do and then you pick out which ones and how many you would like to take part in)

Ok, so these five are a must - no choice about these!!
1. Throw away or hide your scale.
2. Purchase, check out or borrow a good book to read from everyday. This could be a book either about realistic exercise or healthy eating/recipes. This could also be some other kind of “self-help” book (on creativity, relationships, goals, etc.)
3. Get at least seven hours of sleep six nights a week!
4. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations
5. Refuse to gossip or add negativity to any conversation (walk away or change the subject if it is spoken to you)

The ones that i choose to include.
6. 30 minutes of sustained aerobic exercise 3-4 times per week.
7. Practice mindful eating - enjoying every bit and not just gulping it down!
8. Correct issues with portion control. In other words, don’t eat too much!
9. Eat 3 fresh, unadulterated servings of fruit/vegetables daily.
10. Do not eat refined sugar (dessert/candy) six days a week.
11. No fast food (Subway is OK)
12. Eat at least two healthy snacks each day.
13. No eating two hours before going to bed
14. Participate in a FREE day, once a week. Eat whatever you want, however you want, in any portion you want and as often as you want!!
15. Drink a total of at least 2 glasses of water between meals each day.

I think that this is just what i need. I will keep you all updated on how it goes.

That is it for now. I am hoping that by tomorrow my battery in the camera will be charged and ready for action as i have a lot more to share.

Have a great weekend all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your idea about knitting as an act of love and kindness!
Loved the Stacy challenge too.
Have a great weekend!
Melissa S.


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