Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Warwick Castle

This long weekend we decided to go and visit Warwick Castle. What a fantastic day we had. Even though the clouds were threatening to open at any moment they didn't - they actually held out all day and only started raining as we made our way back to the car. Take a look at some of the fantastic photos that we took.
Warwick castle


At 3:30pm we were able to go and watch the Jousting at River Island. I think it lasted around 30-45 minutes and even though i was standing the entire time it was so entertaining that i hardly even noticed. The though that went into it, the preparation was amazing.

Winged Warriors

Before we went to watch the Jousting we actually stumbled upon another show that was taking place at 2:30pm. Winged Warriors. Its sounds courageous doesn't it? Once again it was amazing. The birds flew that low that their wings actually brushed the top of one of the ladies heads! What a beautiful sight.


This one was more for Stuart than for me. They talked us through what happened when an army tried to siege a castle and the different ways that they would try, one of which was using the Trebuchet. Very interesting.

All in all we had a great day. We also went on a Ghost walk, down to the Dungeons and walked along the wall of the castle and up to the top towers.

I'm feeling well rested with a busy week a head - Have a great week everyone.


Anonymous said...

Very cool.
Melissa S.

Ronda Palazzari said...

I was just there last October. I thought it was incredible. My hubby so loved that trebuchet. We want to take the kids there because it was so cool. We loved wandering around Warwick too.


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