Wednesday, October 01, 2008

[ Pitty Party for 1 - Be ware, its not a pretty sight ]

This is me tonight, having a pitty part for one. I know i should be polite and invite you (cause we all know just how much you would LOVE to join me) but as i am feeling all sad and pathetic i have decided that i am doing this thing on my own! AGAIN!

Yes, alone and single are two of the things have joined me at my pitty party. It wont be forever i keep being told but right now they are comfy and set on staying.

Then there is the embarrassed and disgusted little fellas who are also joining me.

I went to my gym class tonight and the only place that i could get was directly in front of the mirrors. In a class full of other ladies i looked like an out of syn hippo having a bad day. Tummy and boobs jiggling everywhere, big butt and thighs sticking out like a sore thumb. I know it was only my imagination that every other thin, beautiful woman was looking at me, thinking horrible horrible thoughts but i let it get to me that much that i left the class, halfway through with tears running down my face.

As if that isn't enough i also don't have any chocolate in the house. Well i guess that's a good thing but it means that i have had to resort to raiding my baking cupboard and am currently sitting here eating my hundreds and thousands and half a bag of baking chocolate chips that i cant even remember opening.
Lets hope tomorrow will be a better day hey!

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