Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A thought

Would you consider yourself flexible? This is a question that i often get when i go for interviews and without hesitation or much consideration i always say "Yes, without a doubt.". But more and more I have begun to notice that i am not as flexible as i once thought i was. I don't know if it has something to do with being older or if it has more to do with life but i find it difficult to adapt to change.

What exactly do i mean? Well, i hate having people dropping by unannounced. Don't get me wrong, i love having visitors, i just like them to call before they come over. Unless your my mom and dad in which case you can come over anytime. I also battle if i have my own plans set up for the weekend or evening and then i get a call from a certain someone who just wants me to do one little thing for them which takes up a whole chunk of my time.

This falls into a lot of areas of my life. Its difficult to put words to what i mean exactly but this is something that i need to work on.

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