Saturday, January 12, 2008

Best Me Challenge

This year is about me. 2008 is my year. My year to discover who I am again. To challenge myself academically, financially, personally and socially. I have a lot of hopes for this upcoming year but above all - I am hoping to get to know myself again. I want to become the Best me possible. I want to figure out what it is that makes me happy, that makes me truly happy on the inside. I need to figure out all sorts of things. By the end of 2008 I am hoping to be someone who is confident in her own skin, who has found out what she likes and what she needs from this life. I want to be one of those people who likes themselves and who is proud of themselves.

I used to be like that. I used to be the person that I so badly want to become again. I don’t know what happened to her.I am not sure when exactly she started to fade away into who I am today but I do know that I miss her and I do know that this journey that I have started is probably the best thing that I will ever do for me.

So this year, as I take the time to get to know myself better, as I try different things and challenge myself in different ways - I hope that you will hang around to get to know me. The beautiful confident woman with a big heart and lots of friends. Part of what I am going to do to help me along this journey is to follow Sarah's Best Me challenge on her blog. I have dug out an old art journal and as each weeks prompt is revealed I am going to work on that area. I am going to record my journey so that this time next year I can take a look back and see the process that I have taken. I can see the changes that I have made and I can enjoy the person that I have become.
I'm off to have a look at my *fingers crossed* new flat so please say a little prayer that if this is meant to be that it will all work out. Have a great Saturday!


Creatively Blessed said...

Hi I discovered your blog through a comment you made on maria's blog, It's so good to find another UK blogger, good luck with the best you challenge and I will keep track of you progress.

Adrienne said...

Fingers crossed!!!!

a friend to knit with said...

oh, my fingers are SO crossed for you!
i really hope it works out.

and best of luck on the journey. it sounds exciting! :)

Dame Wendy said...

How exciting! Cheers to 2008. :)

Melissa said...

I like the new look of the blog....


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