Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lessons Learnt # 1

Saturday i learnt a lesson in life. It wasn't a painful lesson but it was a lesson that will help me to grow in this life. My lesson learnt was


Once you have made your mind up on something, see it through. Don't let what other people say affect you and your decision. Its that little suggestion or opinion that they give that plants itself in your heart and in your mind as doubt. So, you give in and end up settling for less than you intended only to find out that what you originally wanted was actually quite attainable.

Lesson Learnt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a good lesson to learn. I am going through something right now where I am trying to trust the other person but no matter what I have these feelings that won't go away. Usually when that happens I am on the right about it. You want to believe others but no matter how hard you try you can't get past the gut feeling. Yes, trust yourself. I need to learn that too.


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