Friday, June 01, 2007

Rounding up May

This idea was from Alis newsletter and Katies blog This is going to be my first roundup
April 2007:

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
I did a lot of reading this month. Magazine wise i have read Creating Keepsakes, Scrapbook Inspirations, Scrapbook Magazine, Joyce Meyers monthly magazine and Simply Knitting. This month i have read two books. 1. You are not what you weigh by Lisa Bevera and 2. Inside my Heart by Robyn McGraw. These are two excellent books, especially the second one.

What movies and/or TV shows did I watch this month?
*This month i also seemed to have watched a lot more Movies than what i normally do. We went to the Cinema and watched Next with Nicholas Cage and Pirates of the Caribbean 3, we then rented The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith and also bought Hitch with Will Smith. Fantastic Movies.
*This month also saw the start of Season 3 of Greys Anatomy. 10pm Thursday evenings - This is what gets me through the week sometimes.

What special days did I celebrate and how?
This month Stuart turned 30! What an exciting milestone for him. We went out for dinner with all the family. We also had two fantastic bank holidays this month.

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
*I have been worried about Stu's health this month. I have been trying to get him in to see his doctor about his Depression but no luck so far.
*I am also trying to be a lot more healthier. My ears have been giving me trouble again and i am hoping to go and see the doctor just to get a good check up.

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
*I got to spend a lot of time this month with my mom and dad. We had them round for a meal several times over the past month - couldn't be happier about this.
*Saturday the 26Th we spent the day at Warwick Castle. The weather held out fantastically for us and we had a great time. We took loads of photos. It is always somewhere that we have wanted to go but never found the time to do it - now we have.

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Not much cooking being done this which was very naughty of me but June will be a healthier month

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
*For Stuarts 30Th i bought him a Swiss Army Watch and had it engraved with our Song.
*I also have finally gone and had my hair highlighted and cut. This has been much needed. I have been putting it off for ages now. It did end up costing me £75 but never you mind.
*I bought a new pair of shoes for work and a new pair of trainers. I haven't bought shoes in months.

What were this month's disappointments?
*We had no end of problems with our vehicles this month. My car needed to have an entire new "thing" on the front drivers side of the car (don't ask me what it is but i know it was a big job and took all day to Then we also had problems with Stuarts bike. First his cable snapped and then we found a major problem with his back wheel.
*Yet another month has gone by were we have had no sign of my paperwork for my visa. 7 months later and i am no closer to getting this sorted out.
*Stuart has quit his job even though he has no other yet.
*I managed to break my tooth while we were at Warwick Castle.
*Our relationship has hit an all time low at the moment. Not sure where things are going from here - only time will tell.
* I didn't manage to get as much scrapping done as i would have liked to. Things have been very busy which has not left a lot of time for creating.

What were my accomplishments this month?
*I have been really good with going to the gym this month and trying new classes. This has really boosted my confidence.
*I have got permission to study further through my company. Hopefully this will start in June so am really excited that i took the plunge and asked for them to help me pay for it.
*I did manage to do some creating this month which is an accomplishment considering the month i have had.

This is a great way to document what has gone on for this month as so often i find that there are things that i forget. Thanks Ali and Katie for this fantastic idea.

Looking forward to June as i have some exciting things coming my way.


Katie Nelson said...

great job doing your roundup!!!

Kara said...

I think this is such a great idea, really brings an insight.
I hope things do get better for you this month, i will be thinking of you, keep up the great blog


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