Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Phase Perhaps

This must be some sort of phase that i am going through at the moment. Does it happen to every woman or is it just me? I'm not sure but i do know that as strange as i am finding it all - I am really enjoying it. Let me explain...

Over the past four or five days i have been listening non stop to the songs on the right hand side *let me just add in here that it is not something that has just started with these songs - it has been growing inside of me now for a few weeks already* I cant explain why exactly but they are speaking to me. They are touching my spirit and i am beginning to long and feel and wish for things that i haven't thought about in a long while.

Love - that real passionate type of love -, the feeling of being swept off your feet, that connection that binds two souls together. The magical story of love.

It is even getting to a point where i am dreaming about it at night. Last night in particular but i have had one or two other dreams as well. My prince, our love, the excitement of being swept off my feet, that gentle first kiss. Thinking about it gives me butterflies! Should i be making a trip to the Loony Bin?

I have no problem about keeping reality separate from dream land - although by reading this post you may beg to disagree, but that is why i am wondering if it is just a phase. If i will wake up one morning and i wont have that longing in my heart for the gentle meaning full kiss, the butterflies, the excitement of those feelings. I don't know how long it is going to last or why exactly it is cropping up now but i am going to ride it out, enjoy it while it lasts. I just wanted to document this time in my life to look over later.

For all those teen girls inside us ladies who are trying to come out.

*Just wanted to add that i am very happy with OH and this has no reflection on him....incase he happens to read this at some*


Anonymous said...

I think we all go through this. I know I do at times. Dh and I have been together almost 17 years. We go through stages where we are so comfortable that I long for something more. You aren't loony. Totally normal.

Anonymous said...

such is life girl, we all go through what you are feeling, it will pass


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