Thursday, February 14, 2008

A bit of fun....

I came across this test for your TV boyfriend on this great blog! My TV boyfriend is no other than......*drum roll please*.................

Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey)
McDreamy, McSensitive, McSmartypants, McDedicated and devastatingly McHandsome, the good doctor of Seattle Grace is, quite simply, McPerfect. Oh, okay, he's only human, which means he has a flaw or two, but heaven knows it's nothing that hair won't make up for. Besides, how can you not love a man that sexy, stylish and, well, let's be honest, loaded, who chooses to live in an Airstream in the woods? You've got fine taste, girl!
When this came up i laughed so hard i almost fell off my chair - and at work of all places!! McDreamy - your my tv boyfriend - yum!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...



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