Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are — not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within — that you begin to take control." - Oprah Winfrey

This morning this quote arrived in my inbox and the moment i read it i knew that not only was it true but it also applied to me.

These past few weeks have been a bumpy ride as they say, but looking back and looking at where i am today i can honestly say that i have begun to take control. Control of my life, of my eating habbits, my thought life, my finances and my social life. Each morning that i wake up i wake up with this feeling of hope and expectancy for good things. Its nice to wake up feeling like this rather than waking up feeling low.

Yesterday i went for a job interview - fingers crossed i hear from them soon. Thursday night i am going round to a group from the church for dinner - really looking forward to this. I have been concentrating on my eating and my health and so far i have lost 8.5 pounds. I have been working on myself, getting to know how i am, what i like and dislike and most importantly what it is that I want from this life. This last one is definately an ongoing process but i feel good that i have made a start on it.

Between working and studying i have been doing a lot of work in my art journal. Its has all been very personal, very honest and very deep. I love it! I love how it has helped me realise what my feelings are about certain things. It has given me an avenue to express my dissapointments, to get my feelings out in black and white and to see the growth that i have experienced in just these short few weeks. It has given me some much needed perspective.

I have a few other projects that i have been working on, a painting that is probably half way done, a new knitting project that i started last night. Things are looking up!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

That is a wonderful quote!!! Hang in there :-)


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