Friday, August 17, 2007


I seem to be on a journey of sorts at the moment. You know how while you are going through the growth you don't really understand it or realise it until you have the come out the other side? Well, I am definitely not out the other side yet but i just have this stirring in my heart that something good is going on, that i am being stretched and that at the end of it, i will be a better person for it.

I am currently reading Joyce Meyers book called How to succeed at being yourself. I started it a little while ago to be honest but got side tracked by life. A few days ago i was listening to her podcast on her site and i remembered that i actually had this book of hers. I dug it out of my bookcase and picked up where i left off.

This is part of what i read on Tuesday night: Insecure people say "yes" when they really mean "no". Those who succeed at being themselves don't allow others to control them. They are led by their heart, not by the fear of displeasing others or being rejected by them.

We can not get angry at people because they place demands on us. It is our responsibility to order our lives. We need to know our identity, our direction and our calling - Gods will for us. We must make the decision that will keep us pressing toward our goals. We must be focused individuals with purpose.

Hmmm, I'm feeling a bit of a prodding going on here. These two paragraphs have been playing over and over in my mind. I have been chewing on them, playing them over, thinking about them, pulling them apart - meditating on them.

I don't have anything in particular to say about the above but i just thought that perhaps someone else might need to read it. Might need to let it sit on their heart. Thank you Heavenly Father for teaching me.

I'm off to go in search of some fabric at lunch time. I am hoping to make some curtains for my kitchen as well as my bathroom. My brother is arriving from South Africa in 14 days and i am so excited!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


1 comment:

monica.coffman said...

I'm so glad you posted this. While I'm fortunate to feel that I know right where I am in life at the moment, I know those journeys sneak up on us at times! The Joyce Meyers books sounds very interesting and I have a family member that I think can put that to some good use. THanks so much for posting about it!


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